Spin-orbit coupling and correlations in a 3-band model system
Robert Triebl
14:50 - 15:30 Friday 19 January 2018 PH01150

In materials with sizable electron-electron correlation, such as perovskites with open d-shells, for example, the effective mass of the quasiparticles is enhanced. At some critical interaction strength, a metal insulator transition (Mott transition) takes place as the effective mass diverges. In multi-orbital systems, the high-spin state is favored following Hund’s rules of atomic physics. Therefore, Hund‘s coupling has a large impact on the mass renormalization.

In this talk, I am going to present an expansion of these well known physical concepts by adding the spin-orbit coupling as another parameter. The method of choice to obtain qualitative and quantitative changes of the mass renormalization is dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) on a three orbital Bethe lattice. We show that in some cases the influence of the Hund’s coupling is strongly suppressed due to the spin-orbit coupling.