Institute of Solid State Physics

SS22WS22SS23WS23SS24WS24      Guidelines for Master Students

Electron Tomography
Armin Zankel / Georg Haberfehlner
Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis, TU Graz
11:15 - 12:15 Wednesday 18 December 2019 PH 01 150

***** Tomographic methods using electron microscopes. *****

In the last two decades the Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis ( was involved in the development of several tomographic methods using both the scanning and the transmission electron microscopy (SEM & TEM).
While the classical term tomography is associated with “imaging by sections using any kind of penetrating wave”, nowadays even so called “slice and view methods” are referred to tomographic methods. One example is “serial block face scanning electron microscopy” (SBEM), where a specimen is cut with a diamond knife and imaging is performed after each cut. Furthermore FEMI-ZFE was pioneering a slice and view technique combining focused ion beam (FIB) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) establishing “3D elemental mapping” [1].
In the TEM, projection-based tomography methods are used for 3D imaging at the nano- down to the atomic scale [2]. Several imaging modes can thereby be combined with tomography, such as annular dark-field imaging, which provides mass contrast, but also spectroscopic imaging modes, such as EDXS or electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). We will show examples of spectroscopic tomography for 3D elemental mapping, as well as for mapping of surface plasmon resonances and discuss the potential of mapping phonons with the latest generation of electron microscopes.

[1] Zankel A., Wagner J., Poelt P. Serial sectioning methods for 3D investigations in materials science. Micron 62 (2014) 66-78.
[2] Haberfehlner, G., Thaler, P., Knez, D., Volk, A., Hofer, F., Ernst, W.E. & Kothleitner, G. (2015). Formation of bimetallic clusters in superfluid helium nanodroplets analysed by atomic resolution electron tomography. Nature Communications 6: 8779.