Institute of Solid State Physics

SS22WS22SS23WS23SS24WS24      Guidelines for Master Students

Setup and tests of piezotronic devices based on ZnO deposited by atomic layer deposition
Yacine Djaider
11:15 - 12:15 Wednesday 29 April 2020 PH 01 150

Link to the video

Piezotronic devices convert a mechanical signal into an electric
signal. These convert an applied pressure into a measurable electric
signal through piezoelectric effect. They are usually used as sensors
in all sorts of configurations in micromechanical systems.

The aim of this master thesis is to make a stress/strain sensor that
would be able to measure piezoelectric signals on a nano scale,
working with thin films on flexible substrates. This will allow us to
measure sensitive and fast occurring stimuli.

To achieve our goal we first investigate the piezoelectric effect and
its behaviour with regard to the different materials used as
electrodes. After determining the set up with the best possible
response, the next objective is to be able to quantify the applied
stress through the piezoelectric effect and test it with small applied