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 Karl Franzens University Graz

Graz University of Technology 

PICO – the next generation of Aberration Corrected TEMs
Prof. Joachim Mayer
Research Center Jülich and RWTH Aachen
17:15 - 18:15 Tuesday 02 December 2014 TUG P2

The introduction of aberration correctors has revolutionized the development of TEM and STEM instrumentation. In order to provide a platform for these novel developments and based on the experience with the first aberration corrected TEM, Research Centre Juelich and RWTH Aachen University have jointly founded the Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C). Recently, the PICO instrument has been installed at the ER-C, which is the second high resolution TEM in the world with a corrector for the chromatic aberration.
Research at the Ernst Ruska-Centre focuses on the development of new quantitative methods in TEM and on their application in materials science and solid state physics. In the present contribution we will report on the initial results obtained with the PICO instrument. In the PICO instrument, HRTEM images can be obtained with simultaneous correction of the spherical and the chromatic aberration. The benefits of chromatic aberration corrected imaging are particularly large for HRTEM imaging at low accelerating voltages and for energy filtered (EFTEM) imaging with large energy window width. In the present contribution we will focus on these two applications and will present results from our recent work.