Institute of Solid State Physics

Karin Zojer

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People in the Zojer group
 Prabhu Prasad Biswal
 Maximilian Fuchs
 Maximilian Grillitsch
 Viktoria Haberl
 Mirjana Jurisic
 Daniel Kollreider
 Werner Napetschnig

   Clip on μ-CT won SciPix 2022 award in the catagory video clip
   Tunneling Probability Increases with Distance in Junctions Comprising Self-assembled Monolayers of Oligothiophenes
   Embedded-dipole self-assembled monolayers tune contact resistances in p‐type and n‐type organic transistors
   Pit stop for paper bags
   Opening of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for mass transport through paper
   FWF Elise Richter Fellowship for Dr. Karin Zojer

Master projects available
   Physics-Informed Deep Learning for Reactive Gas Transport in Paper

Bachelor projects available
   Understanding transport in disordered solids
   Impact of local deformations in paper on air transport
   Self-similar surfaces in foams?

   Marie-Curie ITN: THINFACE
   Thermal behavior of OLEDs: A holistic approach
   FWF project: Understanding the transient characteristic of organic transistors
   Christian Doppler Laboratory for mass transport through paper

   513.805 Physik M
   PHT.313UF Modelling and Simulation of Semiconductors

Recent highlights
Interview with Karin Zojer: Podcast Talk Science to me (German)
SciPix Award 2022: Clip on μ-CT Life of a paper sample won SciPix 2022 award in the catagory video clip.
Viktoria Haberl und Maximilian Fuchs show how the microstructure of a paper sheet is measured with Xray microcomputed tomography - seen entirely from the perspective of the sample. This work is a cooperation between the Christian Doppler laboratory for mass transport through paper and the Graz μ-CT Consortium.

The group of Karin Zojer, centered at the Institute of Solid State Physics, aims at establishing structure to transport-property relationships in disordered solids. The group engages in modeling and simulation of charge transport in organic electronic devices and, recently, mass transport through paper sheets. Starting out from "numerical experiments" , relying on our own, home-made, method implementations (Drift diffusion solver, KMC simulations), we analyze and extract structure-to-property relationships to identify limitations or realistic tuning handles.

Our research interests specifically include
  • hopping transport in disordered organic semiconductors
  • charge injection into disordered organic semiconductors
  • organic thin-film transistors
  • organic light emitting diodes
  • pore structure and pore network descriptors of paper
  • transport through paper
which we study (mostly) with these techniques:
  • Drift-diffusion-based device simulations (home-made code)
  • Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations (home-made code)
  • Image segmentation methods
  • Reaction-diffusion transport simulations using PINNs (home-made code)
  • Transport simulations via Pore Network Modelling
Highlighted publications

Alexandra Serebrennikova, Raimund Teubler, Erich Leitner, and Karin Zojer   Kinetics of Organic Volatile Desorption from Cellulose-Based Materials Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (2024) , accepted. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.4c00553

M. Neumann, P. Gräfensteiner, E. Machado Charry, U. Hirn, A. Hilger, I. Manke, R. Schennach, V. Schmidt, K. Zojer.   R-Vine copulas for data-driven quantification of descriptor relationships in porous materials Adv Theory Sim. (2024), accepted. DOI: 10.1002/adts.202301261

Alexandra Serebrennikova, Raimund Teubler, Lisa Hoffellner, Erich Leitner, Ulrich Hirn, Karin Zojer   Physics informed neural networks reveal valid models for reactive diffusion of volatiles through paper Chemical Engineering Science 285 (2024) , 119636. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.119636

Leitl, P., Charry, E. M., Baikova, E., Neumann, M., Hirn, U., Schmidt, V. and Zojer, K.   Joint distributions of local pore space properties quantitatively explain simulated air flow variations in paper Transport in Porous Media 148 (2023) , 627-648 DOI: 10.1007/s11242-023-01964-y

Serebrennikova, A., Teubler, R., Hoffellner, L., Leitner, E., Hirn, U. and Zojer, K.   Transport of Organic Volatiles through Paper: Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Inverse and Forward Problems Transport in Porous Media 145 (2022) , 589-612. DOI: 10.1007/s11242-022-01864-7

Fuchs, M., Haberl, V., Machado Charry, F. E., Resel, R., Schennach, R.and Zojer, K.   Where is the water? Advances in Pulp and Paper Research, Cambridge 2022: Transactions of the 17th Fundamental Research Symposion held in Cambridge: August/September 2022. Coffin, D. and Batchelor, W. (eds.). Oxfordshire: The Pulp and Paper Fundamental Research Society (2022) 495-510.

Impact of thermal transport parameters on the operating temperature of organic light emitting diodes
Georgii Krikun, Karin Zojer
J. Appl. Phys. 125 (2019) 085501, DOI: 10.1063/1.5079531

Critical Evaluation of Organic Thin-Film Transistor Models
Markus Krammer, James W. Borchert, Andreas Petritz, Esther Karner-Petritz, Gerburg Schider, Barbara Stadlober, Hagen Klauk, Karin Zojer
Crystals 9 (2019) 85, DOI: 10.3390/cryst9020085 (OPEN)

Small contact resistance and high-frequency operation of flexible low-voltage inverted coplanar organic transistors
James W. Borchert, Boyu Peng, Florian Letzkus, J.N. Burghartz, Paddy K. L. Chan, Karin Zojer, Sabine Ludwigs, Hagen Klauk
Nat. Commun. 10 (2019) 1119, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09119-8 (OPEN)

Embedded Dipole Self-Assembled Monolayers for Contact Resistance Tuning in p-Type and n-Type Organic Thin Film Transistors and Flexible Electronic Circuits
Andreas Petritz, Markus Krammer, Eric Sauter, Michael Gärtner, Giulia Nascimbeni, Benedikt Schrode, Alexander Fian, Herbert Gold, Andreea Cojocaru, Esther Karner-Petritz, Roland Resel, Andreas Terfort, Egbert Zojer, Michael Zharnikov, Karin Zojer, Barbara Stadlober
Adv. Funct. Mater. 28 (2018) 1804462, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201804462 (OPEN)

Tunneling Probability Increases with Distance in Junctions Comprising Self-Assembled Monolayers of Oligothiophenes
Yanxi Zhang, Saurabh Soni , Theodorus L. Krijger, Pavlo Gordiichuk, Xinkai Qiu, Gang Ye, Harry T. Jonkman, Andreas Herrmann, Karin Zojer, Egbert Zojer, Ryan C. Chiechi
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140 (2018) 15048, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b09793 (OPEN)

Area dependent behavior of bathocuproine (BCP) as cathode interfacial layers in organic photovoltaic cells
Bhushan R. Patil, Mehrad Ahmadpour, Golnaz Sherafatipour, Talha Qamar, Anton F. Fernandez, Karin Zojer, Horst-Günter Rubahn, Morten Madsen
Sci. Rep. 8 (2018) 12608, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-30826-7 (OPEN)

Pore space extraction and characterization of sack paper using μ-CT
Eduardo Machado Charry, Matthias Neumann, Jussi Lahti, Volker Schmidt, Karin Zojer
J. Microsc. 272 (2018) 35, DOI: 10.1111/jmi.12730 (OPEN)

Elementary steps in electrical doping of organic semiconductors
Max L. Tietze, Johannes Benduhn, Paul Pahner, Bernhard Nell, Martin Schwarze, Hans Kleemann, Markus Krammer, Karin Zojer, Koen Vandewal, and Karl Leo
Nat. Commun. 9 (2018) 1182, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-03302-z (OPEN)

Utilizing Schottky barriers to suppress short-channel effects in organic transistors
Anton F. Fernandez, Karin Zojer
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 (2017) 173302 , DOI: 10.1063/1.4997405 (OPEN)

Switching from weakly to strongly limited injection in self-aligned, nano-patterned organic transistors
Karin Zojer, Thomas Rothländer, Johanna Kraxner, Roland Schmied, Ursula Palfinger, Harald Plank, Werner Grogger, Anja Haase, Herbert Gold, Barbara Stadlober
Sci. Rep. 6 (2016) 31387, DOI: 10.1038/srep31387 (OPEN)

Impact of the Capacitance of the Dielectric on the Contact Resistance of Organic Thin-Film Transistors
Karin Zojer, Egbert Zojer, Anton F. Fernandez, Manfred Gruber
Phys. Rev. Applied 4 (2015) 04400, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.4.044002 (PDF)