Institute of Solid State Physics

Oliver Hofmann

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People in the Hofmann group
 Richard Berger
 Simon Hollweger
 Nina Kainbacher
 Michael Obermayr
 Bernhard Ramsauer
 Christoph Wachter
 Anna Werkovits

   DACH-Project HiTeq granted
   Understanding Molecular Monolayer Formation with Machine Learning
   Machine Learning Provides New Insights Into Organic-Inorganic Interfaces
   NVidia supports Machine Learning Activities at the IF
   SAMPLE release
   START Project
   IMPRESS workshop at the TUG
   Computing Time Award
   Huge Computing Time Project Granted
   Defects in Organic Monolayers
   Third Party Funding: 3-year FWF Project

Master projects available
   Polymorphism Enhancing Charge Transfer: How Does Doping Affect Organic-Semiconductor Interfaces?

   Tuning the Interaction Strength of Inorganic/Organic Interfaces
   Computational Material Design with DFT and Machine Learning
   FWF: Computational Nanotechnology
   Charge Injection Layers at Inorganic/Organic Interfaces
   Defects in Organic Monolayers

   513.123 Simulation-Driven Material Discovery I
   513.124 Simulation-Driven Material Discovery II
   513.127 513.128 Seminar Solid State Physics
   MAS.025UF Introduction to Solid State Physics, Exercise
   MAS.170UF Materials Characterization III
   MAS.190_2UF Project Laboratory
   MAS.301UF Laboratory Course Semiconductor Processing and Nanotechnology
   PHC.04D20UF Laborübungen 1: Mechanik und Wärme
   PHT.010_3UF Master´s Project
   PHT.302UF Organic Semiconductors
   PHT.311UF Research Laboratory Semiconductor Devices
   PHT.311UF Research Laboratory Semiconductor Devices
   PHT.314UF Applications of Electronic Structure Methods
   PHU.014UF Simulating Materials Properties from First Principles
   PHY.I20_3UF Bachelorarbeit


Simulation-Driven Material Design

The mission of the Hofmann group is the computational discovery of novel materials and material combinations from first principles. We focus on thin film and interfaces, that are of technilogical relevance for nanotechnology applications, such as organic solar cells and OLED displays. We focus on organic thin films, which often assume particular polymorphs and exhibit properties superior to that of the bulk.

To achieve this mission, my group and I pursue two complementary avenues. One part applies density functional theory (DFT) to pertinent surface science problems at inorganic/organic interfaces, with the goal to identify and push back the limits of the state-of-the-art methodology. The second part of my group develops the machine-learning algorithm "SAMPLE" to predict the structure and the properties of thin film polymorphs.

Research Interests
  • Structure Determination and Prediction
  • Polymorphism and Metastable Phases
  • Phase Diagrams and Phase Transformations
  • Charge and Energy Transfer Across Interfaces
  • Adsorption Processes of Organic Molecules
  • Defects in Organic Monolayers
  • Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Adsorbate Layers
  • Doping and Long-Range Band-Bending in Semiconductors
  • Density Functional Theory (semilocal and hybrid functionals)
  • Band Structure Calculations
  • Machine Learning (Gaussian Process Regression)
  • Ab-initio Thermodynamics
  • Charge-Reservoir Electrostatic Sheet Technique (a QM/MM approach)
Master and Bachelor projects can be found using the links on the left side of this page. Usually, more are available - inquire within.

Personal data

Featured Videos of Recent Talks and Papers

"Surface Adsorbate Polymorph Prediction with Little Effort - Talk at IPAM, LA, Oct 2017

Video of the talk Surface Adsorbate Polymorph Prediction with Little Effort given at the Optimization and Optimal Control for Complex Energy and Property Landscapes workshop at Los Angles, USA, in Sept 2017.

Video of the talk "Nuts and Bolts of Density Functional Theory", given at the FHI-aims Hands-on Workshop in Berlin, July 2017.

Video abstract for "Doping dependence of the surface phase stability of polar O-terminated (000-1) ZnO", published in The New Journal of Physics, 19 (8), 083012, 2017

Highlighted publications (open access)

O.T. Hofmann, P. Rinke, M. Scheffler, G. Heimel, "Integer versus Fractional Charge Transfer at Metal(/Insulator)/Organic Interfaces: Cu(/NaCl)/TCNE", ACS Nano just accepted, doi: 10.1021/acsnano.5b01164

O.T. Hofmann, V. Atalla, N. Moll, P. Rinke, M. Scheffler, "Interface dipoles of organic molecules on Ag(111) in hybrid density-functional theory", New Journal of Physics, 15, 123028 (2013), doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/12/123028

O.T. Hofmann, J.C. Deinert, Y. Xu, P. Rinke, J. Stähler, M. Wolf, M. Scheffler, "Large work function reduction by adsorption of a molecule with a negative electron affinity: Pyridine on ZnO(1010)", Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 174701 (2013) doi: 10.1063/1.4827017

Y. Xu, O.T. Hofmann, R. Schlesinger, S. Winkler, J. Frisch, J. Niederhausen, A. Vollmer, S. Blumstengel, F. Henneberger, N. Koch, P. Rinke, M. Scheffler, "Space-Charge Transfer in Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Systems", Physical Review Letters 111, 226802 (2013) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.226802

A. Tkatchenko, L. Romaner, O.T. Hofmann, E. Zojer, C. Ambrosch-Draxl, M. Scheffler: "van der Waals Interactions Between Organic Adsorbates and at Organic/Inorganic Interfaces", MRS Bulletin 35, 435 (2010). doi: 10.1557/mrs2010.581

O.T. Hofmann, D.A. Egger, E. Zojer, “Work-function modification beyond pinning: When do molecular dipoles count?”, Nano Lett. 10, 4369 (2010). doi: 10.1021/nl101874k

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last updated: 04. Jan. 2019
