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People in the Hadley group Nikolaus Czepl Max PĆ¼hringer Michael Sieberer Fariz Zharfan Projects Courses | Peter Hadley received a B.S degree in Applied and Engineering Physics from Cornell in 1982 and a PhD in Applied Physics from Stanford in 1989. His PhD thesis was entitled, 'The dynamics of Josephson junction arrays.' He then moved to the Technical Physics department of the Delft University of Technology in Delft, The Netherlands. There he investigated superconducting circuits, single-electron circuits, carbon nanotube and single-molecule devices, as well as organic semiconductor devices. In 2006 he was appointed the director of the Institute of Solid State Physics at Graz University of Technology in Graz, Austria. The focus of my research is semiconductor materials and devices. Often defects play an important role in determining the properties of semiconductors. Defects are also primarily responsible for degradation effects that influence device reliability. Most of the projects are done in collaboration with industrial partners. Southern Austria has a vibrant semiconductor industry, an overview of which can be found on the Silicon Alps website. Companies such as Infineon in Villach or ams-OSRAM in Premstaetten have much better semiconductor fabrication equipment than a university could afford and there are many scientists in these companies with a deep knowledge of materials and processes. To keep up in the rapidly evolving microelectronics field, the companies invest heavily in research and development and they finance many master and PhD positions. Ideally, the master and PhD students joint a team that is pursuing long term or exploratory research when the companies have more advantage from sharing their results with the international scientific community than keeping their results confidential. Below is a list of PhD and master theses I have supervised that were completed in cooperation with Infineon, asm-OSRAM, IBM, Austrian Institute of Technology, Fraunhofer Institute, Joanneum Research, or Kompetenzzentrum Automobil- und Industrie-Elektronik. PhD Integrated Control Electronics for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing (ongoing) Integrated sub-micron vacuum gaps in semiconductor devices (2024) Strain Inside Oxide-Confined Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (2023) Hygrothermomechanical Simulation for Reliability Risk Assessment of Optoelectronic Sensor Packages (2020) Defect Complexes in Proton Implanted Silicon (2018) Performance and Reliability Limiting Point Defects in SiC Power Devices (2016) Investigation of carrier transport in silicon p-n junction devices using scanning electron microscopy with electron beam induced current (2016) Master Electrical Noise Characterization of GaInAsSb-based Extended Short-Wave Infrared Photodetectors (2023) Early life failure mechanisms detection in power MOSFETs by means of thermal burn-in (2023) Evaluation of Random Telegraph Noise in MOSFET Devices (2023) Electro-optical Characterization of Point Defects in Si, SiC and GaN Devices (2023) Evaluation of Dielectric Properties in Plasma Oxides for Microfabricated Ion Traps (2021) Evaluation of electro-thermal influenced reliability effects in microelectronics (2021) Influence on the On-Chip Signal-Metallization Routing Topology on Self-Heating in Integrated Power Technologies (2021) Electrical characterization of charge accumulation/depletion in GaN-based HEMTs (2021) Influence of Process Variations on Avalanche Breakdown in Power Trench MOSFETs (2020) Physical model of low-frequency noise in Phase-Change Memory devices (2020) Capacitance- and Current-Voltage Characterization of Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Structures with Topography (2020) Dynamic failure mechanisms of pGaN gate high electron mobility transistors (2020) Characterization and Optimization of Tunnel Junctions for the Interconnection of Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells (2020) Stability and degradation of p-i-n lead halide perovskite solar cells for different hole transport layers (2020) Fabrication and characterization of photonic crystal structures and plasmonic materials for gas sensor application (2020) Characterization and modeling of semiconductor devices at cryogenic temperatures (2020) Application and Characterization of Cu Front Contacts on a Si-GaAs Dual-Junction Solar Cell (2019) Structure function based evaluation of the thermal behavior of an LED (2019) Investigation of the center to edge uniformity during chemical mechanical polishing (2018) Influence of Pt-H defects on Si p/n diode characteristics (2018) Electrical Characterization of Chemical Vapor Deposited Insulating Thin-Films (2018) Thermal Transport in Microelectronics Packaging - An Approch of Inverse Modeling of Materials Parameters (2016) MOSFET Aging Measurements and Hot-Electron Degradation Models (2016) Cryogenic Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance of Defects at the SiC-SiO2 Interface (2016) Study of point defects in proton implanted silicon pn-junctions by means of electrically detected magnetic resonance (2016) Low frequency noise measurements in MOSFETs (2015) Sub-wavelength grating lens designs for wafer-level IR optics (2015) Integrated Photodiode Verilog-A Model - Verification and Parameter Extraction (2015) Physical Characterization of Low Hydrogen Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposited Silicon Nitride (2015) Electrical characterization of SiC MOSFET interface properties (2015) Structural analysis and determination of charge carrier properties of semiconductor devices by measurements of optical beam induced currents created by near infrared radiation (2015) |