| | Together with a consortium of five international collaborators from the United States, Germany and Finland, Oliver Hofmann won a 2017 Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) award. This gives his group access to MIRA, a national labs based supercomputer. Mira was the fifth-fastest supercomputer in 2013. The award comprises 160 million CPUh, worth approximately 1.6 million USD.
The project aims to advance the efficiency of organic and hybrid solar cells through computer-aided discovery and design of new materials and interfaces. To search the infinitely vast configuration space of materials structure and composition, we will integrate the proven DFT code FHI-aims with various structure search codes: One of them is SAMPLE, a structure search code developed at the TUG that is specifically dedicated to inorganic/organic interfaces.
Planet Research: Improved energy harvest in solar cells.