Institute of Solid State Physics

SS22WS22SS23WS23SS24WS24      Guidelines for Master Students

Controlling the Polymorphism of Organic Semiconductors on 2D Materials
Stefan Fischer
11:15 - 12:15 Wednesday 26 April 2023 PH1150

Organic electronics is a rapidly growing field that holds promise for developing low-cost, flexible, and lightweight electronic devices with various applications, such as displays or solar cells.
One of the critical aspects of organic electronics are the interface properties between different organic and inorganic materials. The interface properties can significantly affect the performance of electronic devices and are determined by the different crystal structures (polymorphs) of the organic semiconductor. Understanding and controlling the polymorphism is, therefore, crucial for optimizing the device performance.

In this presentation, I will discuss how the polymorphism of an organic semiconductor (P4O) can be controlled by introducing a layer (h-BN or graphene) between the organic semiconductor and the metal where it is grown on.