Institute of Solid State Physics

SS23WS23SS24WS24SS25      Guidelines for Master Students

Solid State Seminar - Summer 2023


Wednesday 01 March 2023      PH1150

11:15 - 12:15

1/f noise
Peter Hadley

Fluctuations in many systems such as traffic, avalanches, the stock market, or electronic devices often have a power spectral density that is often approximately inversely proportional to the frequency. This means that the low frequency components of the noise have a higher ampli ... more


Wednesday 08 March 2023      PH1150

11:15 - 12:15

Deposition of ZnO on Si substrates using ALD with outlook towards area-selective ALD
Lukas Martin Wolfsberger

Nanomaterials, -structuring and -films are important aspects in electronics, optics and medicine. ALD (atomic layer deposition) is a special process to create such thin films in the nanorange. In this work plasma enhanced and thermal ALD was used to deposit ZnO layers on substrat ... more


Wednesday 15 March 2023      PH1150

11:15 - 12:15

Lab Safety at the Institute
Peter Hadley

The institute is required to provide a safety training every year. This seminar will review what you should know about fire safety, electrocution, lasers, chemicals, cryogens, and ionizing radiation. ... more


Wednesday 22 March 2023      PH1150

11:15 - 12:15

Fundamental limits on the Detectivity of IR Photodetectors for Spectral Sensing
Markus Baier

The extended-SWIR wavelength band (1.0 - 2.4 μm) exhibits a performance gap for infrared detectors, although this band is of high interest for various applications. Particularly, room-temperature operated detectors for IR spectroscopy show high market potential. Since so far ... more


Wednesday 29 March 2023      PH1150

11:15 - 12:15

Optimization and realization of piezoelectric floor harvesters
Asier Alvarez , HEP group, Joanneum Research-Materials

Smart floors are devices consisting on floor tiles with integrated sensor networks. In particular, piezoelectric sensors make the floor pressure-sensitive, which enable it to respond to our needs. These needs might be to make our homes more comfortable, by triggering functions in ... more


Wednesday 19 April 2023      PH1150

11:15 - 12:15

Evaluating nanoscale contact and adhesion using FRET microscopy
Ulrich Hirn

Several intermolecular mechanisms are responsible for adhesion: hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces and electrostatic interaction. Among these mechanisms hydrogen bonding and van der Waals attraction only work if molecular contact -- i.e. a distance between surfaces below a fe ... more


Wednesday 26 April 2023      PH1150

11:15 - 12:15

Controlling the Polymorphism of Organic Semiconductors on 2D Materials
Stefan Fischer

Organic electronics is a rapidly growing field that holds promise for developing low-cost, flexible, and lightweight electronic devices with various applications, such as displays or solar cells. One of the critical aspects of organic electronics are the interface properties bet ... more


Wednesday 03 May 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Extreme Ultraviolet Metaoptics
Marcus Ossiander

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light is a central component in ultrafast physics, materials science, and modern lithography. However, because all materials absorb EUV radiation, very few optics exist. I will describe the basics of a new approach for creating ultrathin optics: metasurf ... more


Tuesday 09 May 2023      

10:00 - 11:00

Crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients in thin films
Gabin Gbabode, University of Rouen

Utilizing surfaces for nucleation and growth is often adopted as a mean to enhance crystallization. Certain surfaces can accelerate crystallization while other prevent it. On the other hand, constrains induced by the surface can trigger crystal growth on well-defined contact plan ... more


Wednesday 10 May 2023      PH1150

11:15 - 12:15

Methodology for determining the specific surface area using SAXS
Alexander Bottaro

Small angle X-ray scattering is an X-ray technique with a transmission geometry used to obtain structural information and interesting parameters like the specific surface area or the average particle shape and size. The specific surface area describes the interface area between 2 ... more


Wednesday 17 May 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

2 photon lithography for plastic micro devices
Virgilio Mattoli, Italian Institute of Technology

Two photon lithography (2PL) is a microfabrication technique established in the last decade, combining the advantages of 3D-printing with sub-micron resolution. Micromachinery, photonics, surface design, micro-robotics, and biomedical sciences are just some of the fields mostly i ... more


Wednesday 24 May 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Tailored polymer thin films enabled by initiated chemical vapor deposition: From fundamentals to functional applications
Stefan Schröder, Kiel University


Wednesday 31 May 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Deposition (C-APPD)
Carina Hendler, Joanneum Research- Materials

Thin film technology is a hot topic in research, since it provides plenty of opportunities for industrial demands. Next to various wet-chemical methods, physical and chemical vapour deposition play a major role in that area. Our institute works with a C-APPD, that provides many a ... more


Wednesday 07 June 2023      PH01150

11:15 - 12:15

Two-Photon Polymerization Printing at TU Graz: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Gandolf Feigl, Institute of Electrical Measurement and Sensor Systems

Two-photon polymerization (2PP) printing offers unparalleled precision in creating intricate, high-resolution three-dimensional structures at the micro and nano scales. With its ability to fabricate complex geometries and fine details, this technology opens up new possibilities f ... more


Wednesday 21 June 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Growing graphene epitaxially on Ge(110) with chemical vapor deposition
Elena Unterleutner

Ge(110) can be used to grow wafer-scale high-quality graphene epitaxially with chemical vapor deposition (CVD). For industrial applications a reduction of the process temperatures is necessary. In this work an adapted form of CVD was used to deposit graphene on Ge(110) substrate ... more


Wednesday 28 June 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Development of stretchable e-skin sensors
Shorouk Allam

Sensors for electronic skins (e-skin) undoubtedly possess the property of being stretchable. Previously our group developed e-skin sensors for force, humidity, and temperature. Such sensors were deposited on PET which is not stretchable material. In this thesis, similar sensors w ... more