Institute of Solid State Physics

SS23WS23SS24WS24SS25      Guidelines for Master Students

Solid State Seminar - Winter 2023


Wednesday 04 October 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

How (not) to give a talk
Oliver Hofmann

„Powerpoint poisoning“ is an effect described in the academic literature (Visterin et al., 2012) and refers to the tendency urge to create presentations that overburden the audience with information. This leads to an absent-minded and inattentive audience, and, consequently, ... more


Wednesday 11 October 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Correlation versus Causation: Extracting physics with machine learning
Guido Gaggl


Wednesday 08 November 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Development of icephobic coatings based on patterned surfaces
Julia Puntigam

Innovative solutions are needed to produce ice-repellant coatings. The challenge of creating an ice-repellant coating is that it should be repellant to ice/water but also well adherent to the subsrate. One of the most novel approaches regards the development of discontinuities, w ... more


Wednesday 15 November 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

In-situ characterisation of thin film wet-chemical etch processes using Quartz Crystal Microbalance
Gary Butler

Every year, constraints tighten on processes affecting the critical-dimensions of semiconducting devices. Wet etch & clean processes therefore benefit from continuous characterisation of material etch-rate and etched amount. A Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) is an extremely pr ... more


Wednesday 22 November 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Development of an in-situ stage for microCT measurements with controlled humidity and temperature
Daniel Kollreider, Institute of Solid State Physics

Micro-CT is an excellent tool for non-destructive structural analysis. Its ease of use and sufficiently high resolution make it a prime candidate for observing structural changes in composite or porous materials such as paper. Water uptake in such materials can be a rather comple ... more


Wednesday 29 November 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Thin Film Forming Properties and Polymorphism of a Benzothieno Benzothiphene Derivative
Ann Maria James

Organic semiconductors (OSCs) offer distinct advantages over inorganic counterparts for thin-film transistor applications. Among them, benzothieno[3,2-b]benzothiophene (BTBT) core-based small molecules are promising as p-type semiconductors. This study investigated the crystal st ... more


Wednesday 06 December 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Monitoring structural changes in paper upon solvent uptake with Xray tomography
Maximilian Fuchs, Institute of Solid State Physics

The incorporation of water and organic volatiles, such as DMSO, by paper is a complex interplay between capillary transport and structural changes within cellulose-lignin-based fibers. Though paper is a convenience product used every day, little is known how swelling affects the ... more


Wednesday 13 December 2023      

11:15 - 12:15

Pharmaceutical phase equilibria and the polymorphism of pyrazinamide
Ivo Rietveld, University of Rouen

Phase equilibria are considered a thing of the past since "Phase Theory" has been published by J.W. Gibbs 150 years ago. However, the richness in possibilities to control pharmaceutical formulations and on the other hand the delicate task of ensuring the stability of such formula ... more


Wednesday 10 January 2024      

11:15 - 12:15

Atomic-scale insights into frictional energy dissipation mechanisms during single-molecule manipulation
Lukas Hörmann

Friction causes significant energy loss in any moving mechanical device. As the miniaturisation of devices reaches the quantum limit, so do dynamical dissipation processes. Fundamentally quantum mechanical mechanisms govern friction at the nanoscale. We account for all relevant q ... more


Wednesday 31 January 2024      

11:15 - 12:15

Angebote und Möglichkeiten Internationales
Sabine Prem, Lena Neureiter

Sabine Prem, International Office Welcome Center, will present "TU Graz goes International: offers and opportunities for faculty and students. The following topics will be presented: - Welcome Center: support services - Mobility: student mobility (doctoral students) join ... more