Institute of Solid State Physics

SS22WS22SS23WS23SS24WS24      Guidelines for Master Students

Development of an in-situ stage for microCT measurements with controlled humidity and temperature
Daniel Kollreider
Institute of Solid State Physics
11:15 - 12:15 Wednesday 22 November 2023 

Micro-CT is an excellent tool for non-destructive structural analysis. Its ease of use and sufficiently high resolution make it a prime candidate for observing structural changes in composite or porous materials such as paper. Water uptake in such materials can be a rather complex process and can be highly dependent on relative humidity and temperature; it is not necessarily known in advance where and how much water is stored in the material. In paper, water uptake causes swelling and other changes that affect fibers and pores.

To reliably study such absorption processes in situ, it is essential to have constant, controlled conditions. It is challenging to create specific humidities and temperatures in a laboratory micro-CT setup. Limited space and a rotating sample stage require specific designs for an appropriate humidity and heating station. This talk will present two setups that provide a controlled humidity from 10 to 90% RH and temperature from 20 to 70 degrees Celsius during micro-CT imaging.