Institute of Solid State Physics

SS22WS22SS23WS23SS24WS24      Guidelines for Master Students

Laser-Induced Graphene and its applications @ LAMPSe
Alexander Dallinger
Institute of Solid State Physics
11:15 - 12:15 Wednesday 24 November 2021 PH01150

A fairly new method to produce 3D nanoporous graphene, first discovered and investigated by Lin et al. in 2014, utilized commercially available CO2 laser sources to convert insulating Polyimide (PI) into conductive so-called Laser Induced Graphene (LIG).
This process benefits from the absence of any chemicals, no need for inert atmospheres, and the possibility of converting insulating into conductive material in an controlled and localized way. Over the years the research interest has grown and up to date a lot of different devices based on LIG have been shown. One of the first devices demonstrated was a microsupercapacitor fabricated from PI. Other LIG based devices such as acoustic sensors, strain sensor, gas sensors, electrophysiological sensors and electrochemical sensors have been demonstrated.
This talk gives an update on the latest investigations and applications of LIG done at the "Laboratory of Applied Materials for Printed and Soft electronics" (LAMPSe) at TU Graz.