Optimization and Validation of Water Sampling and Analysis in Fuel Cell Exhaust and Electrolysis Systems Jannis Bartz https://tugraz.webex.com/tugraz/j.php?MTID=m2dce5ac9ce8d31e2b2ffc3135bd8761c 11:15 - 12:15 Wednesday 15 January 2025 In this day and age, the importance of alternatives to fossil fuels is increasingly being recognized. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC), which utilize hydrogen as an alternative fuel, are a reliable source of energy. They play a crucial role in the automotive industry for power generation and are a viable addition to existing energy sources.
One problem PEMFCs face, as well as PEM electrolysis for hydrogen generation, is the rapid deterioration of the membrane, partly due to the unavailability of accurate diagnostic tools to identify harmful conditions. Research has identified that fluoride ions in the PEM fuel cells or electrolysis exhausts serve as a reliable indicator of membrane degradation [1].
The goal of this work is to find an approach for accurate online sampling of product water with constant microfluidic flow, while trying to avoid flow pulsations, created by system condition changes, as much as possible. This sampled water should constantly supply a sensor system, where the fluoride concentration is measured in a time-resolved manner, in order to identify, for example, harsh PEMFC conditions with high fluoride emission and low response time. To achieve this, a sampling system including an electronically controlled condensation unit and pump is being developed.
[1] Paolo Marocco, Kyrre Sundseth, Thor Aarhaug, Andrea Lanzini, Massimo Santarelli, Alejandro Oyarce Barnett, Magnus Thomassen, Online measurements of fluoride ions in proton exchange membrane water electrolysis through ion chromatography, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 483, 2021, 229179, ISSN 0378-7753, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.229179.